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Poetry Usage Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the essential steps to use a repository with Poetry. We'll cover installing dependencies, activating the shell, and adding/searching for packages.


Make sure you have Poetry installed. Use the appropriate command for your operating system:

Windows (powershell)

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

macOS (with Homebrew)

brew install poetry


curl -sSL | python3 -

Step 1: Installing Dependencies

To install the dependencies for your project, navigate to the project directory and run:

poetry install

This command reads the pyproject.toml file in your project directory and installs the specified dependencies.

Step 2: Activating the Virtual Environment

Poetry creates a virtual environment for your project. To activate this environment, you can use the poetry shell command:

poetry shell

This command activates the virtual environment, allowing you to run commands in an isolated environment specific to your project.

Step 3: Adding Packages

To add a package to your project, use the poetry add command followed by the package name. For example, to add requests to your project:

poetry add requests

Poetry will automatically update your pyproject.toml file and install the package.

Step 4: Searching for Packages

To search for packages, you can use the poetry search command followed by the search query. For example, to search for packages related to "flask":

poetry search flask

This command will list all packages related to "flask" available on PyPI.


  • Install dependencies: poetry install
  • Activate virtual environment: poetry shell
  • Add a package: poetry add <package-name>
  • Search for packages: poetry search <query>

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your project's dependencies and environment using Poetry. For more detailed information, you can refer to the official Poetry documentation.